Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Last Week at a Glance

To all our followers... we're sorry we haven't been keeping up. We've spent the last four days in Vernazza Italy, and wifi was hard to come by. To update you:

We left Switzerland on Tuesday the 27th with heavy hearts. We absolutely loved our hostel (Backpackers Villa was like an all inclusive resort!! Clean, modern, spacious lockers, free breakfast, cheap internet, laundry!!!), and the small town of Interlaken was a much needed escape from the bustling cities we'd previously visited. We met so many amazing people in Switzerland and had a lot of fun learning about other people's travel experiences. Before we departed, we made sure to make the very best of our time.... Jamie, the daredevil of the group, went paragliding from 4,100 feet, and sailed over all of Interlaken. She had her guide Anders (from Norway) do lots of loops and dips and crazy tricks... she loved every minute of it and was giddy when she met Em and I on the ground. She took some amazing pictures... we'll have to upload some to show you!

We were a little disappointed to discover how expensive Switzerland was. We intended on seeing more of the Swiss Alps, but felt it was like charging an arm and a leg (140 CHF) to see the top of the Jungfrau.... so we decided to opt for the more economical option (plus, our hostel provided us with a discount!) to ride the Harderbahn to the very top of the Hard Kulm. We jumped onto the tram and rode along the nearly vertical rail (super scary!) to the top where we had lunch and enjoyed the views. Unfortunately, it was a bit hazy that day so we weren't able to capture the best photos, but it was unbelievably beautiful in person.

We made sure to stock up on chocolate bars before we departed... they didn't last long, so we hope you're not expecting to taste any when we get home. We had chocolate for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. We had a fabulous time lounging around and soaking up the Swiss sunshine. There was a cow pasture across the street from our hostel. Each cow wears an iron bell around his neck, and the clinking of each bell became a comforting noise. We rested, relaxed, laughed and throughly enjoyed our time in Interlaken :)

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